ILRF 2024 Jyväskylä, Finland

9th International Leadership Research Forum - Early Childhood (ILRF EC) Conference

    Leading High Quality Early Education in Complex Contexts


University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland   9th-11th September 2024

Hosting Department: Institute of Educational Leadership, Department of Education

Contact: Elina Fonsén, elina.k.fonsen(a)

ILRF EC aims to bring together people involved in Early Childhood Leadership Research, to create an arena for presenting current thinking on theoretical and empirical approaches. The conference also provides a platform for collaborative research, meetings and discussions on specific topics on ECE leadership. 

Presentations focus on research that examines how Early Education leaders face multiple challenges such as the shortage of well qualified staff, and the impact of rapidly changing social, political, and economic developments, climate change and insufficient funding for Early Education. Presentations discussing innovative solutions to leadership challenges, reimagining theory and methodology


Timetable ILRF EC conference 9.-11.9.202

Monday 9.9. 2024

11.00 Get together, poster gallery open (Ruusupuisto lobby) 

11.45-12.30 Opening words: Elina Fonsén

Keynote, Maria Cooper:  Resilient leadership in ECE: Holistic wayfinding principles for navigating change

Lunch break

13.30-14.15 Keynote, Johanna Heikka: Distributed pedagogical leadership in early childhood education + Manjula Waniganyake In Memoria


14.30-16.00 sessions 1a, 1b


16.30-18.00 research group meetings

Extra: Outdoor exercise “wild group”

Tuesday 10.9. 2024

9.00-11.00 Field trip to ECE centres 

11.00-12.00 poster gallery

lunch break

13.00 – 14.30 sessions 2a, 2b, 2c

coffee break 

15.00-16.30 sessions 3a, 3b, 3c

19.00  Dinner


Wednesday 11.9. 2024

9.30-11 session 4a, 4b

lunch break

12.00 – 13.30 sessions 5a, 5

coffee break 

14-14.30 Concluding words